Dream + Play + Discover = Grow
Contact me to learn about small group and/or private session opportunities.
my Boston yoga article
When we truly play we come back into harmony with ourselves. It opens a path to growth - children learn through play. Adults still can. We can come back to playing & learning through yoga.
mindfulness in education
Help your students develop strong curious minds along with gracious compassionate hearts. Integrate yoga & mindfulness into your classroom.
The breathing, giggling, laughing train.
soul food
Mindfulness can be everywhere. Find it in the art of pickling & jamming, making Magic Honey. Cook, connect, create. Yoga off the mat is carrying stillness within you. Postures that help you throughout your day, whatever comes. Knowing how breath affects emotion. How your core can help you stand and cook, or lecture, or sell, or whatever keeps you on your feet for much of the day.
outdoor ambassadors
Yoga gives us many gifts. One of them is our heart can grow and instead of a desire to take & take, we want to give back. We can use that ability to help the planet and each other.